Friday, July 23, 2010

Sorry I Haven't Been Here

It's been over a week since I posted anything and I apologize.  I've been busy with life in general and really haven't been scrapping or creating.  There are a lot of projects I should be doing, but I've been doing household projects, getting ready for vacation in another week, working (it seems as though I'm working Everyday!), doing errands, running kids here and there--well, I'm sure you get the picture.   I'm hoping to get one project done today.  I need to create a tutorial for CSD that was due yesterday.  I'm just not sure what to make!  Whatever it is...I'll post here.

I will share some pictures of me and the family while at the beach last weekend.  This is Mother's Beach in Kennebunk, Maine and at low tide it's wonderful if you enjoy tidal pools, beach games (lots of room!), a playground, an on-duty lifeguard (not found at all beaches around here), and you don't have far to walk to get to your car.

Zachery looking for crabs, starfish, whatever he can find in the tidal pool.

My husband relaxing

Jackie enjoying the beach and sun
Yours truly
Brrrrr---the water's COLD!
another view of the beach
As the tide came in, we had some great waves for body surfing.
Look over to the right--that's Jackie.  (I couldn't see through the lens as the sun was so bright)
I love taking pictures of the waves! 
Me and Michael

Wishing all of you a great day!

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog! I love comments and would love to hear from you. I might not be able to respond to each one, but I do read them all. Wishing you a very creative and wonderful day!