Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Just Love Spring!

Spring is my favorite season. So, why am I talking about Spring when May is nearly over?  Well, I live in Maine and Spring is slow in getting here.  And, March and April we still had snow and most of this month saw rain---lots of rain!  Last Saturday we saw the sun for the first time in almost 2 weeks, but it lasted only a day.  Then it started raining again. Today, the sun shone bright with temps in the mid-70's.  What a gorgeous Spring day!   I love how the grass 'greens up' after months of snow--and the brown mud of March and April rainstorms.   I also love the look of flowering trees, the tulips, Irises, and the scent of lilacs in the air.  Hearing the sound of lawn mowers is a sweet sound after a long winter of listening to the grinding of snowplows.  Then there's the smell of spring barbeques---ahhh.   And although dandelions can be a nuisance, I happen to like the  weeds--their bright yellow fluffy heads remind me of the sun and the best part are the longer days.  There is a dramatic change in my personality as the days get longer and warmer.  I feel more alive, vibrant and well,....happy!  That's what Spring is to me---the beginning of happiness!  

We don't have too many flowers right now.  Within a week, we'll be planting and in a month or so, I'll share my 'green thumb' with you (for what it's worth).  Thanks for looking, my friends.


  1. What lovely flowers. Spring is such a beautiful time.

  2. Everything around you is looking colorful and beautiful. We are well into our summertime heat with temps already at 108 during the day. Plants are dying off -- only the bougainvillea can survive the heat and are blooming profusely at the moment. Hope you are having a great week. Best wishes, Tammy


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