Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mark Your Calendars for Another Blog Hop

Creative Scrapbooking Divas of which I was a Design Team member until a short time ago, is having another blog hop for its members.  It'll be held on June 11th and as the date gets closer (one week from today), I will be adding more info here on my blog.  I'll be posting a tutorial for a chipboard birdhouse and will probably make a YouTube video of it as well.  I hope you'll stop by CSD and hop along with us. 

Date: Saturday June 11
Theme: Divas' Scrappin' Summer School !!!
What: Our theme for this members hop is tutorials/how to's. '

I'll be offering an RAK for anyone who completes my project and posts on CSD.    Also, CSDivas is offering a Grand Prize.   To be eligible, blog hoppers will need to post their entries into the specified BH Discussion no later than Tuesday 6/14.    They will earn a ticket for each entry they upload.  So, I hope you'll hop along!  

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Thank you for visiting my blog! I love comments and would love to hear from you. I might not be able to respond to each one, but I do read them all. Wishing you a very creative and wonderful day!