Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July, My Friends!

Just a quick post to wish all my followers and readers a wonderful and safe 4th of July.  God Bless America!!  We celebrated yesterday (Sunday) by having a cookout at a good friend of ours on the lake, enjoyed good company, good food, good fishing and some great fireworks.  Here are some pics:
My oldest daughter, Valerie trying to catch a bass.  The fish was circling her bait.
She caught a pickerel---not the Bass she wanted.  Oh well...better luck next time
James (Val's boyfriend) with his large-mouthed bass.  They were catching fish like you wouldn't believe!
Our friends' son, Briar.  He caught about a dozen fish.
Jackie with her fish.  She wouldn't hold it for the camera.
Zachery with is large mouthed bass. 
Briar caught his bass too!
Zac caught the monster fish of the day!  A 4 lb large mouthed bass.  He reeled it in by himself without any help from us.  That's a first for him! 
It rained while the sun was out and I was fortunate to catch this rainbow.  It didn't last too long after this picture was taken.

Michael warming up his hotdog.
The start of the fireworks.
What a beauty!

My favorite shot!

I took tons of pics but these were the best out of them all.  Wishing you a wonderful Independence Day.  Stay safe!

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