Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We Got The House!!!

I am so excited.  I'm not sure if I even posted that we were looking to buy a house.  My husband and I have looked at soooo many houses and each one had something wrong with it or the seller wouldn't accept our offer, etc.  Well, last week, on the 4th, we put in a bid on a cute little ranch in town here, hoping and praying that we would get it.  This house is a HUD listed home which means that it's open to all 50 states and would-be buyers could bid on line for it.   Michael and I decided to put in a bid, hoping and praying that our bid would be accepted. The bids were to be closed on October 8th by midnight, but when I went to the site to see what was happening, I saw that the corporation handling the bids, was still accepting them.  I couldn't believe it!  So, now I'm figuring that ours wasn't accepted and that we'll have to continue looking.  Well....

this morning, my husband decided that if we didn't get this house, that he wasn't going to look anymore--it was too emotionally exhausting to see homes we liked and not be able to get our offers accepted.  Not 15 minutes went by that our friend, Karen, the realtor helping us find a house, called to say that we had gotten the house.  I was stunned.  I was shocked!  I thought it was a joke!  I even asked her that.  She said, No, it wasn't a joke--that the house was ours.  My daughter was jumping up and down and hootin' and a hollerin', she was so excited.  My husband just sat at the table, not doing or saying anything.  I think he thought it was all a joke. 

I kept telling myself to have faith.  Faith moves mountains.  I had to trust in God that this place would be ours if he willed it so.  I am telling you----Faith is a wonderful thing.  GOD is listening!  I thank God for giving us this house and starting us on a new journey. 

Now, I need to start packing.  We're not sure of the closing date, but it should be within a couple of weeks.  

Here are some photos of the house:

I thank all of you who prayed for me and my family.  I really appreciate it. 


  1. How exciting for you! Congratulations on your new home! May you have many happy moments and beautiful memories in it!!! =)

  2. There you go how wonderful is that! Such excitement for you now. Enjoy every minute of it!


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