Saturday, December 3, 2011

We're In The House, but It's Chaos!

Hello friends,
we have officially moved into the house.  We moved last Sunday but because we didn't rent a typical moving van, we used my car, my husband's car, my daughter's boyfriend's trailer and his truck and my brother-in-law's truck.  Now that sounds as though we had a lot of vehicles to move all our stuff and most likely get it done in a day, right?  .......wrong! 
We didn't completely finish moving until Wednesday.  I can't believe how much stuff we had to move!  I was even putting things I knew I wouldn't use out front with a big FREE sign.  We got rid of 3 TV's--they were a few years old and working, but we wanted to update to flatscreen digi TV's.  Those TV's were gone in 5 minutes.  I also got rid of a baby changing table, an end table, a bureau and loads of little things.  And, I had a microwave that was 25 years old---still works too and that was gone within a few seconds of putting it out there. 

Anyway, we're now in the house and are slowly getting things organized.  Normally at this time of year, I'd be decorating, but I'm so busy putting things in order that decorating for Christmas is on hold for about a week.  I just wanted to update all of you on why I've been MIA.  I'll be posting again in a few days. 

1 comment:

  1. Lori,
    I am glad you enjoyed my pictures. I hope to see your new mantle!


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