Monday, March 12, 2012

What Have I Been Up To?

Well.....lots of things really, but nothing extraordinary.  Just the usual things that take up time in the course of a day.  Like doing housework, running errands, feeding the family, washing and drying mounds of laundry, having a birthday bash for the hubby (who has never had a birthday party before!), finishing up swaps,  and, oh, spending time on the computer, mostly on Pinterest.   

Yeah, I've been spending alot of time, actually too much time, on Pinterest---another addiction.  I just LOVE all the interesting, fantastic, some strange boards there, and I've gotten so many ideas for my home, my garden, my yard and my scrapping.  If you've never visited Pinterest, you should---or maybe not.  Trust me, it is addicting!!   Here's the link, if you truly need another addiction in life (LOL!):   Pinterest.  

Anyway, let me share what's happened since my last post of March 3rd:
Had family and friends over to celebrate my husband's 61st birthday.  He was so happy and excited--just like a little kid.   It was the first time my sister-in-law had seen the house since we moved in back in November:

I took pictures of our daily life for my Project Life album, that is 3 months behind.
This is Molly, Jackie's pet hamster.

We've been sitting outside, enjoying the warm weather which has been unseasonably warm lately.  That's okay, I'll take it! 
I made time to visit my dad who has been in and out of the hospital since Christmas. 
Well, that's about it.  Not much else.   I just wanted to post so you wouldn't wonder where I was hiding. 

Wishing all of you a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following my blog too! I enjoy reading yours, and agree Pinterest has become an obsession in my life too! I love your morning glories, I wish mine would bloom like that, your garden and garden plans are beautiful! :)


Thank you for visiting my blog! I love comments and would love to hear from you. I might not be able to respond to each one, but I do read them all. Wishing you a very creative and wonderful day!