Saturday, October 10, 2009

Back from our Adventure!

We're back from our adventure! Had lots of fun picking apples and picking pumpkins from the 'patch'. We got there soon after they opened which was a good thing because when we were leaving it was getting mobbed! I took tons of pictures (as always!). Take a look over at my sidebar beneath the header and you'll see photos of today! Anyway....I picked some Cortlands and Macs to make a pie and the kids picked apples, filling a large bag, so they could be donated to the food pantry. It was a gorgeous sunny day, but a bit windy. I also walked around the neighborhood and snapped a few pics of the colorful leaves before they fall to the ground. We're at our peak, actually I think we're at the end of it now. Alot of leaves on the ground, that's for sure. I was trying to add a slideshow within this post in order to share my pics, but it's not working. Anyone know how? Hope everyone had a great Saturday!

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