Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm So Behind In Scrapping Projects!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in over a week.  I finished my vacation last Tuesday and went back to work on Wednesday and I've just been busy, busy, busy!  Today my daughters and grandson, Zachery, went to Ellacoya State Park in New Hampshire for the day and we had a fantastic time!  I had never been there.  It's only an hour's drive which isn't bad at all.  The cost to stay for the day was so cheap---$4.00 an adult and $2.00 for each child!  You can't beat that!  Ellacoya State Park is on Lake Winnepasaukee---lots of picnic tables, beautiful clear water, and lots of seagulls!   I took a ton of pictures and plan on creating a few layouts as well as a minibook or two about our adventure today.

I also have so many projects on the back burner that I need to get done!  I was so hoping I would have the weekend to do it, but other plans took over and well, scrapping had to take a backseat.  I'll do my best during the week to get these layouts done. 

But....for now, I'll share some photos of the last few days with you.  Hope you enjoy them!

I'm not sure why this picture is coming out on its side but this is a snake that greeted me last Tuesday after I had finished up watering the flowers.  I think he was there when I stepped out of the house but I hadn't seen him.  I came around the corner to start up the steps and there he was!  My heart nearly stopped!  I just HATE snakes!!!!   I had the heeby jeebies for awhile after that.  Yet, my senses kicked in enough to step over the snake, run into the house, grab the camera, come back out, step back over the snake to take some pictures!  The snake stayed long enough for me to do this and then he just slithered beneath the steps.

My Morning Glories wrapped around my lamp post.  This plant just took off and is just growing and growing!  We finally got our first blooms last week.  Here's another look:

Now this is how you should spend a warm summer day!!!  This is Jackie soaking up the sun as well as enjoying the water.  We went to Buganut Lake last Tuesday which is located in Alfred, Maine.  It doesn't get any better than this, does it?!

This is at Buganut Lake and it was 10:00 in the morning.  We were the only people there until about noon!  We left so early because I thought the place would be packed! 

My husband, Michael, stitching up Zachery's bear (Blueberry).  He's had this bear since he was a toddler.  I took these pictures because in all of the 26 years we've been married, I've NEVER seen this man pick up a needle and thread and actually use it.  He did quite well, I have to admit!

Blueberry's all fixed now!

Zachery, Jaclyn and Valerie at an overlook sight on the way to Ellacoya State Park.

Part of Lake Winnepasaukee

Ellacoya State Park, New Hampshire.

The view from our picnic table.  The picture doesn't do it justice.

To our left

To our Right

Yours Truly

The kids.  Zac's a bit cold

Valerie--a pinup picture for her boyfriend!

Footprints in the Sand

I love this picture of Jaclyn

Just floating along.....

Seagulls---too many of them!


Can you spot the seagulls?  This was way off to the right of us in a restricted area.  This was where the ducks and seagulls were nesting and resting.

The Mount Washington Ferry---a familiar sight on Lake Winnipasaukee

Behind them as they look to the foothills of the White Mountains

And in front!

Ahhh, this is how you spend a Sunday afternoon! 

Except for Zac!  LOL!

What's missing in this picture?

Digging to China.....

Valerie's new work of art--a heart made from drift wood

My Castle (in ruins)

Val working on her castle

One side had a ski lift!  Too Cute!

And what did I find on the beach by our picnic table?..........
THIS!!!!....... No, don't say it's so!
It's too early for Fall.  Yet, slow but sure, the leaves are changing........
I hope you enjoyed the way I've spent the last several days.  And that's why I haven't been blogging!  I'll be back on soon.

1 comment:

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Looks like a fabulous time. Nothing better than spending time outdoors on a beautiful day. Scrapping will be there when you find the time. I continue to enjoy these last days of summer before I return to work next week. Best wishes the week ahead. Tammy