My tree is up and about 90% decorated. I still have my beaded garland to hang and a few more ornaments that my oldest daughter has of her own that she wants to hang on the tree. My tree is an eclectic assortment of ornaments collected over the years that hold alot of sentimental value. Most are handmade. Some are from friends and relatives. Others are creations of my online scrapper friends. But each and every one holds a story. It seems that I forget what ornaments I have and the meaning behind them, until I pull them out the next Christmas and am suddenly surprised. As I pick up each one, I have to proudly announce to the rest of my family that this ornament came from "so and so". "Oh, remember this! This is the ornament that Valerie made in Girl Scouts when she was in second grade!". Or, "And this one Jackie made in Kindergarten".
I'm like a little kid opening gifts on Christmas day as I unwrap each precious ornament. Speaking of precious--the oldest and most revered and beloved ornament is the one I created when I was 11 years old back in 1968. It's made from an empty eggshell with hand-drawn eyes, a cottonball for a beard, and a red knit piece from my brothers (a baby at the time) winter hat. That ornament is 41 years old! It's extremely delicate and has been proudly displayed on 41 different Christmas trees!
Some people go all out on their trees spending hundreds of dollars on creating a special theme, and that's okay, but I happen to love my little tree with it's hodge-podge of ornaments---it's timeless and no money in the world can replace them.
Wishing you a happy day, my friends!
Thanks for looking!
ohh i love your tree! i love that all the ornaments have a story that way you can reminisce and really enjoy decorating your tree each year! tfs!
fantastic tree, you should write all your stories down :D
Hi Lori. thanks for visiting my blog.. =) I love the tree. I'm with you, I like having a mix of ornaments. I can tell you who or where I got most of them.
I love Christmas trees like that by far better than "styled" ones. :)
Have a wonderful Christmas,
I love your eclectic tree! Mine is the same (although I haven't even gotten it up yet). I don't believe in themes or having everything match. If you love it and it tells a story, then it is just right for you. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season. :) Tammy
Love your vintage looking pretty. Have a Merry Christmas!
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