I decided to create a simple layout using only two photos. I was inspired to do this as a challenge and also because for years now I've wanted to create a layout about my most beloved and oldest ornament I own.
The story behind the photo is this: When I was 11 years old and home from school one day due to a snowstorm, I was bored. My mother suggested I make an ornament for the tree. She gave me an egg, some paints, cottonballs and left me at it. I was a creative child and so I blew out the guts of the egg, creating quite a mess I'm sure and then proceeded to glue on the beard. I then painted the eyes but wasn't satisfied with the look. Something was missing. What was it? Ah Ha! A hat! Santa had to have a hat, didn't he? So, I whined to my mother asking her what I could use for a hat. She found an old winter hat of my brother's and snipped off the piece that goes beneath the chin and buttons to keep the hat on your head. I glued this piece to the top of the egg and hid the raw edges with a shredded cotton ball. I was thrilled!
And still to this day, 41 years later, I remember that day. It has survived many moves and never received a single scratch. Of course, my mom deserves tons of thanks because she had primary custody of it until I was married and had my own tree. It has survived all these years and I'm hoping it will survive many, many more, even after I'm gone. So, ladies, I hope you like the layout.
Thanks for looking!
great lo and great story :D
This is lovely story to share with us! I am glad your mother nutured your creative side and then held on to it for so many years!
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